
WLASNC PLUM Motion January 2024

Letter opposing such changes by Randy Sakamoto randysakamotoletterwlasnc.pdf

Comments to portions of it are below.

The following Motions reference the “Alternative Proposal” passed by the WLASNC PLUM in January

1 Motion 1:

1.1 Justification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1.1.1 After speaking with several land-use attorneys, it has become clear that the only measure that will protect Japantown is a HPOZ. Should new State laws become effective, the HPOZ may also protect against those infringements upon the rights of the Community.

1.1.2 CP Parks has already said that there will be no moritorium, thus the Interim Control Ordinance (ICO) idea is dead in the water.

1.2 Motion ~~~~~~~~~~

1.2.1 Work with the Community to implement a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) for Japantown;

1.2.2 Work with “United Neighbors” and other Community-centered organizations to develop, in cooperation with the City Council, guidelines for ED1 ordinance that will exclude HPOZ in their entirety.

2 Motion 2:

Concerning the rezoning of certain blocks of Sawtelle to Hybrid
Industrial, based upon the false pretense that RHNA driven development
can be limited to certain areas within the WLASNC boundaries.

2.1 Justification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2.1.1 There is no redevelopment agency for West Los Angeles.

It is therefore, false and misleading to tell the community that the
WLASNC has the ability to direct certain projects, their character,
use and timing to any particular location in their boundaries. Over
90% of the variances that developers seek are approved, proving that
developers are calling the shots in Los Angeles. This makes it even
more important that we limit up-zoning. Increasing up-zoning
translates into increased automobile traffic, increased noise and
light pollution, loss of smaller scale neighborhood character, without
any important benefits to the Community in place. It is important to
note that there were no co-motinos issued by PLUM that would improve
the safety of our built environment, should these up-zonings in fact
become a reality.

2.1.2 The WLASNC is the only Neighborhood Council in the City to vote to destroy existing R1 neighborhoods, destroy existing low-income properties and up-zone areas.

The WLASNC needs to work with "United Neighbors" to craft guidelines
for ED1 to prevent these behemoth projects from devouring smaller
scale residential. In reality, ED1 will result in the destruction of
our existing affordable housing stock, to be replaced with newer, SRO
(studios), market-rate units, with the understanding that these units
will be unaffordable to the majority of the existing tenets, causing
further displacement and homelessness with the City. The ED1
developments are not required to take Section 8 housing. To affect the
homeless situation, these ED1 developments would be required to house
persons making less than $10,000 per year. The market for "luxury
housing" has bottomed out, requiring developers to focus on the
"market-rate" market, i.e., ED1.

2.1.3 False neighborhood support

Unfortunately, support from the larger Japantown Community for the
"Alternative PLUM Plan" was garnered under false pretense. The
Stakeholders who signed the petetion to save Japantown, did not
realize that they were also signing to support an up-zoning of the
neighborhood. This Community has always fought to prevent increased
density and the associated ills including traffic, noise and light
pollution, and loss of affordable units.

2.2 Motion ~~~~~~~~~~

2.2.1 Support preservation of the neighborhood's current zoning; to oppose any up-zoning within the upcoming WLA Community Plan Update; work with United Neighbors and other Community organizations to draft requirement for ED1 to insure that more family-oriented units are created.

  • plum_motion.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/09 19:58
  • by aorchid