
What is WeSaw?

We are a diverse, working class pocket of houses…

West of Bundy, North of Nebraska, East of Centinela and South of Idaho. Our neighborhood of R1, single family properties is outlined in red.

WeSaw is a non-profit Homeowners association that was created to preserve a historical area for environmental and economic justice.

This neighborhood dates back to the 1930's and 40's. At that time, Sawtelle was its own city. All across Los Angeles, neighborhoods had covenants that said no Japanese, no Filipinos, no Mexicans, and no Blacks could buy homes there. So those families came here, to the City of Sawtelle.

This neighborhood started as a predominantly Japanese neighborhood and was part of a much larger swath of homes. Many of the original families still live here and homes have been passed down from generation to generation. Our goal is to preserve this neighborhood and its heritage.

  • wesaw.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/01 18:05
  • by carla